ANN JUSTI, Life Coach
Coaching and Mentoring to Live your Desired Life and True Self
Desire Coaching
Life Coaching for Relationships at Every Level
Coaching Circles™
Orgasmic Meditation® (OM)
OM Life® System
Relationship by Design™
Co-Active Coaching ©
Kundalini Yoga Therapy for Mental Health (PTSD, stress, etc.)
For the Guidance of Single Adults and Couples Only
(No Children’s or Family Programs)
Alternative Lifestyle Guidance Available
Free Exploratory Session for New Clients
About Me
Do you feel like there’s a desire, an issue, a side to your life that you’ve been interested in exploring? Did you not know how to go about it? I can help you with that.
Do you need coaching in terms of your future direction, and not simply from reading about it in a book, talking with your friends or passively watching a streaming video? I can help you, too.
I am a desire coach and Master OM Life® Certified Coach in the greater New York City area. My background includes yoga therapy, tantra, rehabilitation nursing, public health education, sex education, dance, Co-Active Coaching © and Orgasmic Meditation®. I have also overcome physical and emotional trauma and help others do the same, allowing them to cope with mental and physical health issues and stress.
You can have private sessions at your location if you are in or near New York City. I can also provide distance coaching through video conferencing or phone. I’m available for speaking engagements, workshops, to lead group events and to create programs for organizations.
For yoga for physical health, please visit my other website at http://devotedyoga.net.
Your Desired Life Coaching
Ann Justi
941 McLean Avenue. #360
Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: 914-318-6972